最近发现了一个有趣的 Github 项目:App Defaults,这是一个博客作者们的主力软件清单。Robb 将作者们的文章链接和 RSS feed 聚合成了一个 OPML 文件,方便订阅。

My App Defaults 2023
📨 Mail Client: Spark
📮 Mail Server: Exchange Server(MS Outlook) and MXroute
📝 Notes: Obsidian + Obsidian Sync and Drafts
✅ To-Do: Things 3
📷 Photo Shooting: Apple Camera
🎨 Photo editing: Darkroom and Acorn 7
📆 Calendar: Apple Calendar and Dato
📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud and Nutstore (WebDAV)
📖 RSS: DEVONthink
🙍🏻♂️ Contacts: Apple Contacts
🌐 Browser: Firefox
💬 Chat: Telegram and Wechat
🔖 Bookmarks: DEVONthink
📑 Read It Later: Readwise Reader and Zotero (Research)
📜 Word Processing: MS Word and Obsidian
📈 Spreadsheets: MS Excel
📊 Presentations: MS Powerpoiot
🛒 Shopping Lists: Drafts
🍴 Meal Planning: n/a, wanna give Mela a shot.
💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: n/a
📰 News: Readwise Reader (RSS feeds and Newsletter), Twitter and Buzzing
🎵 Music: NetEase Cloud Music (网易云音乐)
🎤 Podcasts: Castro and 小宇宙
🔐 Password Management: Enpass
And some extra categories not mentioned in the podcast:
🧑💻 Code Editor: Online Jupter Notebook (Google Colab and Featurize) and Rstudio
✈️ VPN: Sugre
🪄 Launcher: Alfred
😘 Blog Platform: WordPress with personal VPS
⌨️ Text input: Squirrel
📖 Translation app: Bob
📎 Personal assistant: ChatGPT Plus
App Defaults 让我想起了一个很久以前离线团队做的项目:利器。这个项目采访了很多有趣的人,收集大家所珍爱的工具,探索人和物之间的联系。比较可惜的是 2019 年之后就没有新的文章更新了。
坚果云,Alfred,鼠须管,Zotero 和 Buzzzing 我也在用! 另外推荐一个好用的翻译软件 Easydict
看看这个呢 https://blogscn.fun/submit.html 🙌
原模板缺少一个很重要的类型 🪄 Launcher
确实! 日常使用频率太高了
[…] My App Defaults 就是从 Micro.Blog […]
[…] 关联:My App Defaults 2023,这两年我的软件使用习惯还是有挺多变化的。 […]